Despite an initial trailer release almost a year ago, director Jared Hess' (Napoleon Dynamite) action comedy, Masterminds, has dropped another preview before its late-September theatrical run. This unfathomable true story follows David Ghantt (Zach Galifianakis), an armored truck driver caught in the monotony of life and desperate for some thrills. And when David's work-crush Kelly (Kristen Wiig) convinces him to rob their armored truck together, they take off with $17 million which leads to a deep and twisted sequence of double-crossing. While I have some reservation regarding Masterminds, a mere 94 minute running time could be a breath of fresh air for this large collection of comedy stars. Catch the newest trailer for Masterminds below.
Another over-the-top comedy arriving in 2016 belongs to filmmakers Josh Gordon and Will Speck, co-directors of The Switch and Blades of Glory. Their latest endeavor centers around a branch manager named Josh (Jason Bateman) who discovers that his sister and CEO (Jennifer Aniston) plans to shut down his entire branch. In a last ditch effort to save all their jobs, Josh decides to throw an epic Christmas party in hopes of locking down a major client, but the event inevitably grows out of control. Office Christmas Party co-stars Olivia Munn, Kate McKinnon and T.J. Miller, which means it could be a surprisingly hilarious comedy hit. Check out the first-look trailer for Office Christmas Party below.
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