This morning the debut trailer for Mel Gibson's upcoming war drama, Hacksaw Ridge, officially dropped. Andrew Garfield stars in the true story of a World War II Army Medic named Desmond Doss who refused to carry a weapon or fire a bullet during battle. Originally shunned by his fellow soldiers, Doss' heroic efforts eventually earned him a Medal of Honor. Hacksaw Ridge arrives in November and you can catch its trailer below.
Another trailer to premiere recently belongs to M. Night Shyamalan's early 2017 thriller, Split. After a man (James McAvoy) abducts three teenage girls, his various multiple personalities begin to reveal themselves. I actually had the pleasure of participating in a test screener for this film back in the Spring, but I signed a confidentiality agreement that bars me from saying anything more. Therefore, you can check out the first-look trailer at Split below.
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