The tale of a young woman overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds to win her Prince Charming has long been a staple of fairy tales but in Penelope, writer Leslie Caveny has given her story a contemporary spin. What if, for instance, the rich and handsome Prince Charming actually turned out to be a total cad, and true love for the heroine rested in the hands of an initially duplicitous card shark? And what if, more importantly, the story was less about a young woman finding true love and more about her learning to love and value herself? [-/+] Watch the Movie Trailer Visit the Official Website Release Date: February 29, 2008 Genre: Art, Foreign, Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi and Fantasy Running Time: 101 min. Distributor(s): IFC Films, Summit Entertainment, LLC Tagline: A fairytale like no other. MPAA Rating: PG for thematic elements, some innuendo and language. Director: Mark Palansky Writer(s): Leslie Caveny - Screenplay Producer(s): Dylan Russell - Executive Producer Robin Greenspun - ...