Based on real events, The Children of Huang Shi is a sweeping but intimate story set against war-torn China in the 1930’s. The film centers on a young English journalist (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), an American nurse (Radha Mitchell) and the leader of a Chinese partisan group (Chow Yun Fat) who meet in desperate and unexpected circumstances. Together they rescue 60 orphaned children, leading them on an extraordinary journey across hundreds of miles of treacherous terrain, through snow-covered mountains and an unforgiving desert. Along the way they discover the true meaning of love, responsibility and courage. Visit the Official Website Release Date: May 23, 2008 Genre: Drama Running Time: 125 min. Distributor(s): Sony Pictures Classics Tagline: MPAA Rating: R for some disturbing and violent content. Director(s): Roger Spottiswoode Writer(s): Jane Hawksley - Screenplay James MacManus - Screenplay (from idea) Producer(s): Arthur Cohn - Producer Wieland Schulz-Keil - Producer Peter Loehr - Pr...