Based on the terrifying best-seller by Scott Smith, "The Ruins" follows a group of friends who become entangled in a brutal struggle for survival after visiting a remote archaeological dig in the Mexican jungle - where they discover something deadly living among the ruins. [-/+] Watch the Movie Trailer Visit the Official Website Release Date: April 4, 2008 Genre: Action-Adventure, Suspense, Horror, Thriller and Adaptation Running Time: Distributor(s): Paramount Pictures Tagline: Terror has evolved. MPAA Rating: R for strong violence and gruesome images, language, some sexuality and nudity. Director(s): Carter Smith Writer(s): Scott B. Smith Screenplay (adaptation), Source Material (from novel: "The Ruins") Producer(s): Ben Stiller - Producer Stuart Cornfeld - Producer Chris Bender - Producer Mason Novick (II) - Producer Movie Casts: Jonathan Tucker - Jeff Jena Malone - Amy Shawn Ashmore - Eric Laura Ramsey - Stacy Joe Anderson - Mathias Sergio Calderón - Mayan...